It started snowing today.. only in Buffalo could a person mow their lawn one week, and snowblow their drive way the next. It came down rather hard at first, then tapered off. Some areas can see as much as a foot of snow by the morning. YUCK! A light dusting is nice, but let's not over do it.
I have made out my grocery list to start making Christmas cookies soon. I don't make nearly as many kinds as Grandma did, but I make sure the favorites are all there. So far, I plan on making: Dark Hermits (rasin cookies), cut out cookies, peanut butter cookies, oatmeal cookies, peanut butter fudge, chocolate fudge (if I can get my Grandma L's recipe from my Aunt), date and nut bread (Anne's recipe), and I might attempt to make poppie seed loafs. I wish I had a bread machine, I'd love to try and make Panettoni (Italian Christmas fruit cake). This is a lot of work, and about half of what my Grandma D. would make each Christmas.
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