Thursday, May 3, 2007

Peace and Quiet.. for the most part

Mom and Dad left for Disney World on Tuesday, and I almost feel as if I'm on a mini vacation myself. It's so refreshing not to have them home. I appreciate the quiet (with the exception of Scott), and not being yelled for every 5 minutes. True, I have had an increase in household work, taking care of laundry and general damage control in Mom's absence, but I don't really mind.

I took my fountain out of storage and assembled it back on the patio. It's nice to have the sound of the water again, and I enjoy sitting on the patio in my rocker, enjoying the cool weather. Would be better if I had someone to sit with out there, but life is good just the same.

I went to visit Anne yesterday. He two sisters are still in from out of town, so it was nice to be able to chat with them and catch up. Her great grandson Austin was there also. He's 13 months old, and so damn cute! I was chasing him all over the house to try to give Anne and her sisters a break.. so he kept me moving most of my visit. We kept hoping he'd wear himself out and take a nap, but that never happened. In fact, he ended up putting some of the adults to sleep. Anne, Doloris and I burst out laughing as we looked over at the couch to see Vince asleep on one end, and Marie asleep on the other... both snoring. As for Austin.. he just kept right on going.

So with the exception of occasional temper tantrums out of Scott, it's pretty quiet around here. Just Toby and me for the most part. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I find it a bit lonely.. not that I want my parents to be around.. it just hits me that there isn't anybody knocking on the door or calling the phone to visit with me. As with most things, I putter around alone.. and I guess that's ok. When I was a kid, my older brother forced me into isolation by making sure the neighborhood kids didn't play with me. I managed to be content by myself years ago, I'm sure I will be able to do it now.

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