I tried tea when I was a kid but never cared for that either. It was less bitter than coffee, so I think after giving it a try over and over again I became accustomed to it. When I was in college, I always sat at my desk or on campus with a cup of hot tea at my finger tips as I poured over the course work. The subtle flavors were always soothing and had a calming and refining feel.
Since college, I found myself drinking gallons of tea a day. Okay.. maybe not GALLONS, but a lot! I have an electric kettle that always seems to be on - and I'm the only one who drinks the tea. I imagine I average about 12 cups (8 oz cups) a day - perhaps more on my day off from work.
Just before Christmas I went with my mother to a local antique shop. One thing my mother has come to appreciate about having a gay son is that she has someone to go antiquing with! Anywho... there is a little "restaurant" next to the shop we go to called "The White Linen Tea Room". They serve high tea there, run a catering business and make the best scones I've ever had. Usually I never pay attention to the place as I don't know many people who would enjoy high tea - and I never saw the pull of loose tea. Why get loose tea when I can get the tea bag stuff at the grocery store for a few bucks less?
We ventured in to pick up a present for a friend of ours (they sell some interesting little gifts in addition to tea) - and of course to have a free scone they always give to customers. I decided to pick up a box of loose tea and give it a chance.

Who would have thunk it? All this time I was making tea the wrong way?
So I went home, followed the directions and brewed my new loose tea in my teapot (I like the formality that can go with the tea culture so I always used a teapot and cups and saucers). I let the tea steep for the five minutes it called for. MMMmm! So good! If you're a fan of tea, I highly recommend treating yourself to some loose tea! The flavors are better than anything I've had from a box off the shelf from Tops.
Tonight for the first time, I even noticed there are directions for making the tea properly on the box of a brand I do buy from the stores (I can't afford to be a total tea snob). It's only supposed to steep for five minutes versus just leaving the tea bags in the pot like I always have. So.. I tried it tonight (yes, I'm drinking some now). Again - what a difference! It does taste so much better!
I'd share my findings with my Mom, but she now only serves coffee to company. Shame.