I recently transferred from my job in the Photo Center at my store to a position as Training Coordinator in personnel. It was a very slight pay increase, but it promised me full time hours. I would love to tell you what my new job functions are, but to be honest, after a little over two weeks of working in the office (though some of that time I was covering in my old department) I don't feel much closer to knowing my position.

So far, I've been helping input information into the computer for new hires, calling applicants and setting up appointments for interviews. That's what my day to day job has consisted of - that and being a personal secretary to a new manager with the company who seems to think I work only for them. So basically when our personnel director (who is AMAZING) goes out of town soon for a week and I go to take over for her.. I'll know how to make phone calls.
It tickles me when managers ask me a question about how to do something and I have to tell them "I don't know". They look at me like I'm nuts.. like when my job code changed, I magically absorbed all the knowledge of a person doing this job for years. Granted, I'm learning from asking my NUMEROUS questions and attempting to learn the tasks asked of me... but it's not a practical or comfortable learning process.
I'm extremely thankful for many of my knowledgeable co-workers who have been helping me out, and taking time from their chaotic work loads to help show me the ropes and answer my questions. It's so un-nerving not to know my routine and have all the answers. I went from a job I could do in my sleep to finding myself asking for help every five minutes. Thank God I have friends there!! They've been wonderful and supportive!
Another job duty that I HAVE actually done is conducting new hire orientations. These typically last about 7 hours per orientation. It's set up very similar to following a classroom lesson plan.. something my teaching background has helped prepare me for - and is a job function that I'm hoping will look much better on my resume.
While doing the same lesson over and over again can get tedious, I do look forward to meeting and working with our new hires. I know how intimidating it can be starting a new job (and I'm getting a dose of that again with this position) in a new place.. so I want to make their first day on the job as pleasant as possible. What happens to them after orientation... that I'm a little concerned about. I'm nervous they are going to get lost in the craziness of the move and hiring focus.
I've also been trying to keep in touch with my friend Anne who is suffering from brain cancer. I went to see her for a brief visit last week and she looked horrible. I can't believe all the weight she's lost... and her energy is all but gone. It's so hard for me to watch her fade away like this - and know how much it hurts her to not be able to keep going. She's a person who has always needed to be busy.. needed to be "doing", and now that's all gone.
As we were talking, she told me how worried she is about leaving her husband (who suffers from Alzheimer's) behind. Through the 14 years I've known Anne.. and all the tragedy we've been through, I've never seen/heard her cry until now. Her wish is not to miraculously get better and live forever, but to simply be able to care for her husband so he won't have to be alone - and live in a nursing home. Even now, her main concern is the well being of those she loves.
Anne has always been a person who had such an enormous light inside her.. an incredible force of good in the world. While she never went to college or had a profession as we know it today, she made a remarkable impact on the lives of everyone she has come into contact with. There are often times I have wished I could give the energy and years I have left to people like that.. people who make a difference and have a light to share with others. It almost seems wasted on me.