Tuesday, October 23, 2007

This & That

Despite the rain, I was loving the Fall day we had. Cool weather, cloudy, breezy, with that crisp smell of wood burning and old leaves in the air. I've had it with this 70 degree stuff, and that better be the last of it until spring. Low to mid 50's would be just fine with me.

Where the hell is time going?? I can't believe October is almost gone. The weeks just fly by, and every time I turn around, there is another assignment due that I thought I had at least a week to get to it. Even now, I glance over at the clock and wonder where the time went. Someone needs to ease onto the breaks just a little bit on this Merry-go-round we call life. I'm getting dizzy!

I made a new friend over the weekend.. lol. His name is Jeremy. Turns out we went to the same high school (he's a year younger than me), he went to grade school with my sister in law, and is now my sister's new boss. Small world. We hung out on Sunday, doing the Denny's thing. When I meet new guys, it's either Denny's or Starbucks, just so happened that this time I didn't want to pay $7 for a cup of tea.

He has a great sense of humor, much like mine actually -- and I'm not gonna lie, that's pretty scary. We're both Trekkies from way back, and after Denny's went back to his house to watch episodes of Star Trek: Voyager which he has on DVD. Even we laughed at our nerdiness.

I have no idea what's going on in his mind, but I found out I am leery about doing the whole dating thing again.. as much as I would like to. Regardless of what's on his mind, friends is where we are, and where we'll be for a while (should he stick around). When I meet someone new, I'm always afraid I'm going to hurt them somehow (if things don't work out), or they are going to hurt me. I also think that there has to be that "love at first site" element which really only seems to work out in Fairy Tales and PG movies. Only twice did I ever meet a guy who I fell for immediately, and never once lost that feeling of "Damn.. he's hot", which tends to fade after the first time you hang out. Both times, it ended in disaster.

Regardless of my over active mind, and my need to over analyze, I enjoy the random text messages I get from him, and it's nice to know there's someone out there as sarcastic and twisted as I am. =-P

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