The parade's after party gave me the chance to mingle with some facebook friends that I rarely get to see because of our conflicting schedules. It was also a great pleasure to see my friends Greg and Rob... my personal vote for one of the cutest couples in Buffalo.

I promised myself I would never again leave the 30's range waste size and I'm not about to break a promise. I REFUSE to buy a pair of pants over a 38 waist!!!
Actually, a picture taken of me at pride drove home the point that something needs to be done. There I was, in a pair of jeans (because I refuse to wear shorts) looking frumpier than a worn out bean bag chair. This just will not do!!

For the past month or so I have been stepping up my exercise routine, but now I'm really focused. For the past three weeks, I have been working out about 6 days a week. Now I am focusing on changing my diet as well. It has to be a gradual change so I don't lose control and binge eat... little steps towards a big goal!
I've done this once before and I can do it again. I once managed to lose 125 pounds... I think I can make it to my goal of losing 30.
Feel the burn! Boo-ya!