I've been picking up more hours at the retail hell I've been employed at for the past 9 1/2 years. Slowly, I've been paying money towards bills that I have accumulated... looking forward to operating in the black for a change, and starting to pay off my massive amounts of student loans. The idea of having a savings account again is a nice thought.
Since the likely hood of finding a full time teaching position for the fall is slim, I debated doing the retail gig full time. Even working over 30 hours a week (not that I would be guaranteed that many hours), I'd still be making under $20,000 a year. That wouldn't help me much in my goal to get an apartment of my own. Sigh....
Anyway... I just figured it was time for me to update this blog and let people in cyberspace know I am still alive. I'm still puttering around, searching for a new career, eagerly awaiting the results of my masters portfolio project so I can say I am done with grad school. Though I have been frustrated with the current job situation, my heart is gladdened by the many family and friends in my life who let me know daily that I am loved. Sometimes we need to look at what we do have, instead of what we don't have. A lesson I am trying hard to learn.
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